Wednesday, July 14, 2021

China to Launch the World’s Largest Emissions-Trading Program

"The program will initially involve 2,225 companies in the power sector. Those companies are responsible for a seventh of global carbon emissions from fossil-fuel combustion, according to calculations by the International Energy Agency.

Under the trading program, emitters such as power plants and factories are given a fixed amount of carbon they are allowed to release a year. They can in turn buy or sell those allowances. That pushes emitters to think of controlling and reducing emissions in terms of a market." (WSJ, July 2021)

"It isn’t known how much an allowance, equivalent to 1 metric ton of carbon emissions, will trade for. Based on regional pilot projects in the previous two years, the average price on the national market is expected to be the equivalent of $6.18 to $7.73, Zhao Yingmin, China’s deputy environment minister, said Wednesday.

The starting price is much lower than the roughly $59 to $70 a metric ton in Europe’s emissions trading program and the $55 to $69 a ton in the U.K.’s system. It would put China’s carbon-emissions prices in line with those of a similar program in the U.S."

Monday, July 12, 2021

Coffee Prices Soar After Bad Harvests and Insatiable Demand

Drought in Brazil and port delays in other countries lead the USDA to expect "consumption ... to exceed production this year for the first time since 2017". (WSJ, July 2021)

  1. Does the article describe a shortage or surplus of coffee?
  2. Was coffee scarce before the drought and port delays?
  3. In what sense is demand "insatiable"?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Banning Payday Loans Harms Borrowers

Alex Tabarrok reviews a paper in the NBER that finds that most common regulations of payday loans make borrowers worse off. (MRU, July 2021) Here is a money quote.

"It’s no surprise that people who leave free money on the table have planning problems and need to borrow, it’s just that preventing them from borrowing doesn’t make them better off."

Friday, July 2, 2021