Monday, December 16, 2019

Don't Make Landlords Act like Jerks

"Let’s take rent control. The primary reason why I oppose rent control, minimum wages and similar laws has little to do with the standard pros and cons in an econ textbook. Rather these restrictive controls encourage landlords and bosses to act like jerks.

"I suspect that people in Stone Age tribes treated each other with a certain degree of respect. (Albeit only within the tribe). As population boomed, humanity developed political structures that caused people to be mean to each other. Feudalism, slavery, communism, fascism, etc., encourage people to act like jerks.

"I see liberalism as a way of returning to the Stone Age, where we treat each other with some respect. When people are free and transactions are voluntary, then people will be incentivized to treat each other well.

"One side effect of classical liberalism is that it makes societies richer. But that’s not the main point.

"So you could argue that political liberalism is a sort of 'progress', making us progress back to where we were in the Stone Age. But I hope we can advance beyond cavemen in one respect. Get rid of tribes, get rid of nationalism, and treat everyone on Earth as belonging to a single global tribe" (

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