"Unilever, which has been battling surging inflation, on Thursday said it had increased prices by an average of 8.3% in the first three months of the year and is planning further rises. The company said higher prices had resulted in some softening of consumer demand, with overall volumes declining 1% in the quarter, and that it expects shoppers to pull back further as prices climb." (WSJ, April 2022)
- Did the higher prices hit demand or the quantity demanded?
- If the quantity demanded decreases by 1% as price increases by 8.3% and all else is constant, is the demand elastic or inelastic?
- Do revenues increase or decrease when the quantity demanded decreases by 1% as price increases by 8.3%?
- How does surging inflation affect demand?
- Is the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand greater than or less than 1/8.3?
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